mysql - 如何从具有三个主键的两个表中删除多行?

标签 mysql

我正在尝试从两个表(即 pdn_subscription_ctx 和Subscriber_profile)中删除从复选框中选择的多行,这两个表具有 mysqldb 中的三个主键 mcc、mnc 和 msin,但我无法做到这一点。这是我写的命令:

     , p.* 
  FROM pdn_subscription_ctx x
  JOIN subscriber_profile p
    ON x.mcc = p.mcc 
   AND x.mnc = p.mnc 
   AND x.msin = p.msin 
 WHERE (p.mcc,p.mnc,p.msin) IN ( (244, 56, "0x1000000004"),(244, 59, "0x1000000002"),(289, 88, "0x1000000001" ) )

它不会删除任何行,也不会显示错误。 以下是 pri.key 字段的示例数据: mcc mnc msin 244 56 0x1000000004



drop table if exists pdn_subscription_ctx , subscriber_profile ;
create table pdn_subscription_ctx(mcc int,mnc int ,msin varchar(20));
create table subscriber_profile(mcc int,mnc int ,msin varchar(20));
insert into pdn_subscription_ctx values
(244, 56, "0x1000000004"),(244, 59, "0x1000000002"),(289, 88, "0x1000000001");
insert into subscriber_profile values
(244, 56, "0x1000000004"),(244, 59, "0x1000000002"),(289, 88, "0x1000000001");

DELETE pdn_subscription_ctx.*, subscriber_profile.* 
FROM pdn_subscription_ctx 
INNER JOIN subscriber_profile ON pdn_subscription_ctx.mcc = subscriber_profile.mcc AND 
                pdn_subscription_ctx.mnc = subscriber_profile.mnc AND 
                pdn_subscription_ctx.msin = subscriber_profile.msin 
WHERE (subscriber_profile.mcc,subscriber_profile.mnc,subscriber_profile.msin) IN ( (244, 56, "0x1000000004"),(244, 59, "0x1000000002"),(289, 88, "0x1000000001" ))

select * from pdn_subscription_ctx;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

select * from subscriber_profile; 
Empty set (0.00 sec)

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