iphone - 我在哪里可以获得所有 iOS 元素的列表?

标签 iphone ios cocoa-touch ipad


iOS GUI 元素列表的好资源是什么?

官方文档,如UIPickerView docs不包含图像,虽然有时官方概述文档有图像,但它们不容易找到。

我发现的最接近的是 iOS photoshop 模板(包括很棒的 Teehan Lax one ),但它们没有引用类名,也没有任何通用的第三方控件。

编辑:一个基于 Web 的站点会很棒,这样我就可以与没有 Xcode 或在 iPad 上浏览的其他人共享。


Apple 开发者门户有一个 document列出了 iOS 的所有 UI 元素,并介绍了它们的各种用途。以下是他们如何描述 UITextView 的摘录:

Text View A text view accepts and displays multiple lines of text. To learn more about defining a text view in your code, see UITextView Class Reference.

Appearance and Behavior A text view is a rounded rectangle of any height. A text view supports scrolling when the content is too large to fit inside its bounds.

If the text view supports user editing, a keyboard appears when the user taps inside the text view. The keyboard’s input method and layout are determined by the user’s language settings. When users tap the button labeled “.?123,” the keyboard changes to display numbers, punctuation marks, and a few common symbols.

Guidelines You have control over the font, color, and alignment of the text in a text view, but only as they apply to the entirety of the text. In other words, you can’t change any of these properties for only part of the text. The default font is the system font and the default color is black, because these tend to be the most readable. The default for the alignment property is left (you can change it to center or right).

If you must enable variable fonts, colors, or alignments within a view that displays text, you can use a web view instead of a text view, and style the text using HTML.

You can also specify different keyboard styles, depending on the type of content you expect users to enter. For a description of the styles you can use, see “Text Field.”

如果您只想查看 UI 元素列表而不是描述,请转到左侧边栏并单击“iOS UI 元素使用指南”旁边的披露箭头,它会列出一般类别,如“栏”、“内容 View ”、“控件”等。从那里您可以单击类别标题旁边的披露箭头以查看各个 UI 元素。下图说明了我的意思:

enter image description here

关于iphone - 我在哪里可以获得所有 iOS 元素的列表?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12332439/


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