mysql - 我只将一条记录插入到 mysql 数据库中

标签 mysql python-3.x


from requests_html import HTMLSession
import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

# create an HTML Session object
session = HTMLSession()

# Use the object above to connect to needed webpage
resp = session.get("")

# Run JavaScript code on webpage

airline_spans = resp.html.find('.SearchResultFlightListRow')
print (airline_spans)
airline_list = [span.text.split('\n') for span in airline_spans]

for flight in airline_list:
    if len(flight) == 7:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated, gate, status = flight
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'
        print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate {gate} and flight status is {status}')

    elif len(flight) == 6:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated, gate = flight
        status = 'IDEL'
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'
        print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate {gate} ')

    elif len(flight) == 5:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated = flight
        gate = 'IDEL'
        status = 'IDEL'
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'

print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate ')

sql = "INSERT INTO flightinfo (origin, airline, destinations, flightNumbers, scheduledTime, estimatedTime, status) VALUES (str(From), str(to), str(flightno), str(scheduled), str(estimated), str(status), str(gate)"

val = (str(From), str(to), str(flightno), str(scheduled), str(estimated), str(status), str(gate))
print (val)

# doing a batch insert
#mycursor.executemany(sql, val)

print(mycursor.rowcount, "was inserted.")



from requests_html import HTMLSession
import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

# create an HTML Session object
session = HTMLSession()

# Use the object above to connect to needed webpage
resp = session.get("")

# Run JavaScript code on webpage

airline_spans = resp.html.find('.SearchResultFlightListRow')
print (airline_spans)
airline_list = [span.text.split('\n') for span in airline_spans]
data = []    

for flight in airline_list:
    if len(flight) == 7:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated, gate, status = flight
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'
        print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate {gate} and flight status is {status}')

    elif len(flight) == 6:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated, gate = flight
        status = 'IDEL'
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'
        print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate {gate} ')

    elif len(flight) == 5:
        flightno, From, to, scheduled, estimated = flight
        gate = 'IDEL'
        status = 'IDEL'
        print ("This is a " + estimated)
        if estimated == "":
            print (" currently no dely ")
            print ("This is a " + estimated)
            estimated = 'IDEL'

        print (f'Flight no {flightno} from  {From} to {to} is scheduled to depart at {scheduled} from gate ')

    val = (str(From), str(to), str(flightno), str(scheduled), str(estimated), str(status), str(gate))

sql = "INSERT INTO flightinfo (origin, airline, destinations, flightNumbers, scheduledTime, estimatedTime, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"

# doing a batch insert
mycursor.executemany(sql, data)

print(mycursor.rowcount, "was inserted.")

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