c++ - QT MYSQL驱动构建, undefined reference `mysql_get_client_version@0'

标签 c++ mysql qt qt5 qmake

我正在尝试构建QMYSQL驱动,我遵循文档( https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html#how-to-build-the-qmysql-plugin-on-windows )


cd %QTDIR%\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers
qmake -- MYSQL_INCDIR=C:/MySQL/include "MYSQL_LIBDIR=C:/MYSQL/MySQL Server <version>/lib/opt"
nmake sub-mysql



cd C:\Qt\5.12.6\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers
qmake --  "MYSQL_INCDIR=C:/MySql/MySQL Server 8.0/include" "MYSQL_LIBDIR=C:/MySql/MySQL Server 8.0/lib"


info: creating stash file C:\Qt\5.12.6\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\.qmake.stash

Running configuration tests...
Checking for DB2 (IBM)... no
Checking for InterBase... no
Checking for MySQL... no
Checking for OCI (Oracle)... no
Checking for ODBC... yes
Checking for PostgreSQL... no
Checking for SQLite (version 2)... no
Checking for TDS (Sybase)... no
Done running configuration tests.

Configure summary:

Qt Sql Drivers:
  DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
  InterBase .............................. no
  MySql .................................. no
  OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
  ODBC ................................... yes
  PostgreSQL ............................. no
  SQLite2 ................................ no
  SQLite ................................. yes
    Using system provided SQLite ......... no
  TDS (Sybase) ........................... no

Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'mingw32-make'.
Once everything is built, you must run 'mingw32-make install'.
Qt will be installed into 'C:\Qt\5.12.6\mingw73_32'.

Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from
the previous build.


我检查了 qmake 的配置日志:

    Trying source 5 (type inline) of library mysql ...
+ cd /d C:\Qt\5.12.6\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\config.tests\mysql && C:\Qt\5.12.6\mingw73_32\bin\qmake.exe "CONFIG -= qt debug_and_release app_bundle lib_bundle" "CONFIG += shared warn_off console single_arch" "QMAKE_LIBDIR += C:\\openssl\\lib C:\\Utils\\my_sql\\mysql-5.6.11-win32\\lib C:\\Utils\\postgresql\\pgsql\\lib" "INCLUDEPATH += C:\\openssl\\include C:\\Utils\\my_sql\\mysql-5.6.11-win32\\include C:\\Utils\\postgresql\\pgsql\\include" "QMAKE_USE += mysql" "QMAKE_LIBS_MYSQL = \"C:/MySql/MySQL Server 8.0/lib/libmysql.lib\"" "QMAKE_INCDIR_MYSQL = \"C:/MySql/MySQL Server 8.0/include\"" C:/Qt/5.12.6/Src/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/config.tests/mysql
> Info: creating stash file C:\Qt\5.12.6\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\config.tests\.qmake.stash
+ cd /d C:\Qt\5.12.6\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\config.tests\mysql && set MAKEFLAGS=& mingw32-make
> g++ -c -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -O2 -w -fexceptions -mthreads -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWIN32 -DMINGW_HAS_SECURE_API=1 -I. -IC:\openssl\include -IC:\Utils\my_sql\mysql-5.6.11-win32\include -IC:\Utils\postgresql\pgsql\include -I"C:\MySql\MySQL Server 8.0\include" -IC:\Qt\5.12.6\mingw73_32\mkspecs\win32-g++  -o main.o main.cpp
> g++ -Wl,-s -Wl,-subsystem,console -mthreads -o mysql.exe main.o  -LC:\openssl\lib -LC:\Utils\my_sql\mysql-5.6.11-win32\lib -LC:\Utils\postgresql\pgsql\lib "C:\MySql\MySQL Server 8.0\lib\libmysql.lib"   
> c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/8.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: main.o:main.cpp:(.text.startup+0xc): undefined reference to `mysql_get_client_version@0'
> collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:66: mysql.exe] Error 1


undefined reference to `mysql_get_client_version@0'


unsigned long STDCALL mysql_get_client_version(void);



我解决了qmake是86X,服务器是64X。更改 64X qmake 有效



关于c++ - QT MYSQL驱动构建, undefined reference `mysql_get_client_version@0',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59545414/


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