mysql - SQL语法错误/字符识别

标签 mysql function syntax syntax-error

当我将某些内容发布到 html 表单中时,例如在名字字段中,我输入:

'John', i am getting the following error:

查询错误: 。

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Smith',Address_Line_1='rtuy657tr',Address_Line_2='',City='leicester',Postcode='L' at line 1

我知道它与mysql_real_escape_string ()函数有关,但是我将如何使用它来插入数据库。我已经启动了该功能:

function db_insert_preparation(){


$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");

if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("project1", $con);


$sql2 = "INSERT INTO `".$table_name."` (`Group`, `Date_Of_Birth`, `Gender`, `Title`, `First_Name`, `Last_Name`, `Address_Line_1`, `Address_Line_2`, `City`, `Postcode`, `Contact_No`, `Email`, `Additional_Comment`, `Upload_File`) VALUES ('".db_insert_preparation($group)."','".$_POST[dateofbirth]."','".$_POST[gender]."','".$_POST[title]."','".$_POST[firstname]."','".$_POST[lastname]."','".$_POST[address1]."','".$_POST[address2]."','".$_POST[city]."','".$_POST[postcode]."','".$_POST[contactno]."','".$_POST[email]."','".$_POST[note]."','".$filename."' )";


SQL插入语句容易受到SQL注入(inject)攻击。如果 POST 值之一包含双引号 " 或换行符,则语句会损坏并出现语法错误。请确保使用 mysql_real_escape_string() 转义用户提供的所有内容。

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