php - 如何在 PHP 和 MySQL 上使用下拉菜单同时删除和插入

标签 php mysql drop-down-menu


<div id="blabla">
    <div style="position: relative;">
        <p style="position: absolute; top: 185px; left: 58px;">  
            <select name="lista">
                <option selected="selected"></option>
                <optgroup label="Selecciona">
                    <option> Option 1</option>
                    <option> Option 2</option>
                    <option> Option 3</option>
                    <option> Option 4</option>
                    <option> Option 5</option>

这是 ADD.php 代码


if(isset($_POST['justifica']) && !empty($_POST['justifica']) &&
isset($_POST['si']) && !empty($_POST['si']) &&
isset($_POST['lista']) && !empty($_POST['lista']))
mysql_connect("123", "123", "p123") or die(mysql_error()) ; 
mysql_select_db("123") or die(mysql_error()) ; 

mysql_query("INSERT INTO dos (lista,justifica,si) VALUES ('$_POST[lista]','$_POST[justifica]','$_POST[si]')");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM dos2 WHERE lista5='$_POST[lista]')");
if ($_POST['value'] === '') {
    $_POST['value'] = null; // null en mayuscula si es SQL
echo "<img src=imagenes/Satisf.jpg>";
echo "<img src=imagenes/Error.jpg>";





我会使用 MySQLi 来完成此操作,并且我更喜欢 OOP...


class MyDBHandle
    public $objDB;

    //Creates the DB Object
    public function Init($strHost, $strUsername, $strPassword, $strDB)
        $this->objDB = new mysqli($strHost, $strUsername, $strPassword, $strDB);


    //SQL Query 1
    public function Dos($strLista, $strJustifica, $strSi)
        $objStatement = $this->objDB->prepare("INSERT INTO dos ('lista', 'justifica', 'si') VALUES (?, ?, ?)");


    //SQL Query 2
    public function Dos2($strLista)

        $objStatement = $this->objDB->prepare("DELETE FROM dos2 WHERE lista2=?");


    //disconnect from the db
    public function Disconnect()

//db variables
$dbHost = "xxx";
$dbUser = "xxx";
$dbPass = "xxx";
$dbDB = "xxx";

//initialize and connect to the DB
$objDB = new MyDBHandle();
$objDB->Init($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbDB);

//here is a moded version of your code to execute the new methods
if(isset($_POST['justifica']) && !empty($_POST['justifica']) &&
isset($_POST['si']) && !empty($_POST['si']) &&
isset($_POST['lista']) && !empty($_POST['lista']))
    $objDB->Dos($_POST['lista'], $_POST['justifica'], $_POST['si']);


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