php - 使用 Laravel Fluent Query Builder,有没有办法根据 2 个子字符串搜索文本?

标签 php mysql laravel fluent


The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 0.
The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 1.
The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 2.
The quick brown fox 1 jumps over the lazy dog 0.
The quick brown fox 1 jumps over the lazy dog 1.
The quick brown fox 1 jumps over the lazy dog 2.

有没有办法使用 Laravel Fluent Query Builder 搜索 2 个子字符串?

假设我正在寻找“fox 0”和“dog”。预期结果是:

The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 0.
The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 1.
The quick brown fox 0 jumps over the lazy dog 2.


$searchStr = ["fox 0", "dog"];
$query->where('text', '=', $searchStr);


为您提供这些结果的 SQL 查询条件是 where text like '%fox 0%' and text like '%dog%'


$query->where('text', 'like', '%fox 0%')->where('text', 'like', '%dog%');


$searchStr = ["fox 0", "dog"];
foreach($searchStr as $str) {
    $query->where('text', 'like', '%'.$str.'%');

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