PHP 标签中的 JavaScript 确认框不断返回 TRUE

标签 javascript php jquery mysql confirm

我正在尝试在 php 标签内添加 JavaScript 代码,以便在按下按钮时进行处理,确认用户是否确实想要删除图像。

我的问题是,一旦显示“确认”框 - 它对于“取消”和“确定”都返回 true - 它会执行代码以从数据库中删除图像。


if (isset($_POST['remove'])) {
    $imgId = $_POST['imgId'];

    echo '<script type="text/javascript">
        var h = "Are you sure you to delete Image ID: '.$imgId.'";

        if (!confirm(h)) {
        } else {' .
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM images WHERE img_id='$imgId';") . '



正如有人建议的,在这种情况下最好的方法是使用 JS(在这种情况下我将使用 jQuery)并在其自己的 php 文件中进行 php 调用。这里有一个简短的 html 片段:

<a href="#" class="js-removeImg" data-image="10">Remove</a>

数据图像值 (10) 将从 php 中获取,因此您必须确切知道要删除什么图像。我通常喜欢为类添加“js-”前缀,这些类将链接到任何 javascript 触发器 js-removeImg 中,以分隔样式和 javascript。


  $('.js-removeImg').on('click', function(e){
      e.preventDefault(); // Disables default click's behaviour

      var $this = $(this);  // Cache current jQuery element

      var imgID = $'image');
      // ^ Stores the image id we want to handle
      // The value comes from PHP

      var deleteUrl = "deleteImg.php";
      // ^ A php file where the "delete" query will be available
      // As parameter it should accept the image id: $_REQUEST['imageID']
      // imageID should be exactly the same with the one inside date object from below

      var string = "Are you sure you want to delete the image with the id __IMGID__ ?";
      // ^Stores the string we want to alert in a nicer way, easy to edit in future      

      var confirm = window.confirm( string.replace('__IMGID__', imgID) );

      // User clicked "ok"
      if (confirm) {
        // So we are going to tell this to the server (php file)
          method: 'POST',
          url : deleteUrl,
          data : {
            imageID: imgID
          success : function(data) {
            // Handle the data according to the answer received from PHP file
            // E.g : shown an alert which say that is done or not etc
      } else {
        // User clicked false


上面是可帮助您完成任务的 jQuery 代码。我认为评论已经足够清楚了。


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