php - 在MySql中如果我不放置closeCursor会怎样?

标签 php mysql

我创建了几个像这样的查询 $reponse = $bdd->query('SELECT * FROM jeux_video'); 如果我不放置 closeCursor()每一个之后的 code> 语句都不会出现错误...那么,在哪些情况下 closeCursor() 有用?



PDOStatement::closeCursor() frees up the connection to the server so that other SQL statements may be issued, but leaves the statement in a state that enables it to be executed again.

This method is useful for database drivers that do not support executing a PDOStatement object when a previously executed PDOStatement object still has unfetched rows. If your database driver suffers from this limitation, the problem may manifest itself in an out-of-sequence error.


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