mysql - Mysql 查询中出现 LIKE %...% 错误

标签 mysql sql

我正在尝试使用另一个表更新一个表。我无法确定如何在此处使用 LIKE %...% 功能。请帮帮我。



id | location | value
1  | california | I am going to be here soon.
2  | Nill | Hello I love playing chess and yes.
3  | Nill | my hotel room is just shitty!
4  | Nill | Why on earth God doesn’t live on earth!
5  | Nill | friends of friends and their dogs.



uniqueid | location | keyword
1        | Texas | Why on earth
2        | NewYork   | friends and their
3        |   Washington | love playing chess
4        | NewYork   | their dogs


id | location | value
1  | California | I am going to be here soon.
2  | Washington | Hello I love playing chess and yes.
3  | Nill | my hotel room is just shitty!
4  | Texas | Why on earth God doesn’t live on earth!
5  |NewYork| friends of friends and their dogs.



UPDATE TableToBeUpdated, TableToCheckFrom
SET TableToBeUpdated.location = TableToCheckFrom.Location
WHERE TableToBeUpdated.Value LIKE %TableToCheckFrom.Keyword%



您需要将 % 放在引号中并将它们连接到关键字。您需要连接两个表,以便可以引用两个表中的列。

UPDATE TableToBeUpdated AS u
JOIN TableToCheckFrom AS c ON u.Value LIKE CONCAT('%', c.Keyword, '%')
SET u.location = c.Location

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