java - 如何计算mysql中给定日期内某个项目出现的次数

标签 java mysql database phpmyadmin xampp

所以我有一个名为“violators”的表,并且有 2 列:“Violation”和“Date”。 违规者:

Violation     | Date
overspeeding  | 2016-05-05
overloading   | 2016-05-07
overspeeding  | 2016-05-05
drunk driving | 2016-05-03

我想知道2016-05-05发生了多少次超速, 所以答案应该是: 2016-05-05 - 超速 - 2

如果我想知道,2016-05-07 期间发生了多少次重载, 答案应该是: 2016-05-07 - 重载 - 1




$resultset = select * from tablename where Violation ='overspeeding' And Date ='2016-05-05'

这会给你两条记录,所以只需在结果集上应用一个计数函数。在 mysql 和 php 中,它看起来像这样

$temp_variable_no_of_overspeeding =mysql_num_rows($resultset); 
// or you can use count function if don't need those values

所以你的临时变量中会有 2


ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
int rowcount = 0;
if (rs.last()) {
  rowcount = rs.getRow();
  rs.beforeFirst(); // required to read data in while later . not rs.first() 
                    //because the below will move on 2nd element ,
                    //you will miss the first element
while ( {
  // do your standard per row stuff

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