mysql - ZF2AuthAcl 模块无法开箱即用

标签 mysql zend-framework2

我选择这个 ZF2AuthAcl 模块是为了让我的生活更轻松。由于某种原因,它不能开箱即用。一旦我在 Zend2 Application.config 中激活它,它就会接管整个站点。这意味着它可以直接登录我拥有的任何页面。有一个“白名单”,我尝试将页面添加到数组中,但它似乎不起作用。我将显示它具有的 Acl 页面和“白名单”,也许我没有正确添加它们,或者有更好的方法。它也是数据驱动的。有人成功使用过这个或者知道它吗?



    public function initAcl()
    $this->roles = $this->_getAllRoles();
    $this->resources = $this->_getAllResources();
    $this->rolePermission = $this->_getRolePermissions();
    // we are not putting these resource & permission in table bcz it is
    // common to all user
    $this->commonPermission = array(
        'ZF2AuthAcl\Controller\Index' => array(


namespace ZF2AuthAcl\Utility;

use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Acl as ZendAcl;
use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\GenericRole as Role;
use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Resource\GenericResource as Resource;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class Acl extends ZendAcl implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface

const DEFAULT_ROLE = 'guest';

protected $_roleTableObject;

protected $serviceLocator;

protected $roles;

protected $permissions;

protected $resources;

protected $rolePermission;

protected $commonPermission;

public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
    $this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;

    return $this;

public function getServiceLocator()
    return $this->serviceLocator;

public function initAcl()
    $this->roles = $this->_getAllRoles();
    $this->resources = $this->_getAllResources();
    $this->rolePermission = $this->_getRolePermissions();
    // we are not putting these resource & permission in table bcz it is
    // common to all user
    $this->commonPermission = array(
        'ZF2AuthAcl\Controller\Index' => array(
        'Frontend\Controller\Index' => array(
        'Blog\Controller\Blog' => array(

public function isAccessAllowed($role, $resource, $permission)
    if (! $this->hasResource($resource)) {
        return false;
    if ($this->isAllowed($role, $resource, $permission)) {
        return true;
    return false;

protected function _addRoles()
    $this->addRole(new Role(self::DEFAULT_ROLE));

    if (! empty($this->roles)) {
        foreach ($this->roles as $role) {
            $roleName = $role['role_name'];
            if (! $this->hasRole($roleName)) {
                $this->addRole(new Role($roleName), self::DEFAULT_ROLE);
    return $this;

protected function _addResources()
    if (! empty($this->resources)) {
        foreach ($this->resources as $resource) {
            if (! $this->hasResource($resource['resource_name'])) {
                $this->addResource(new Resource($resource['resource_name']));

    // add common resources
    if (! empty($this->commonPermission)) {
        foreach ($this->commonPermission as $resource => $permissions) {
            if (! $this->hasResource($resource)) {
                $this->addResource(new Resource($resource));

    return $this;

protected function _addRoleResources()
    // allow common resource/permission to guest user
    if (! empty($this->commonPermission)) {
        foreach ($this->commonPermission as $resource => $permissions) {
            foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                $this->allow(self::DEFAULT_ROLE, $resource, $permission);

    if (! empty($this->rolePermission)) {
        foreach ($this->rolePermission as $rolePermissions) {
            $this->allow($rolePermissions['role_name'], $rolePermissions['resource_name'], $rolePermissions['permission_name']);

    return $this;

protected function _getAllRoles()
    $roleTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("RoleTable");
    return $roleTable->getUserRoles();

protected function _getAllResources()
    $resourceTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("ResourceTable");
    return $resourceTable->getAllResources();

protected function _getRolePermissions()
    $rolePermissionTable =   $this->getServiceLocator()->get("RolePermissionTable");
    return $rolePermissionTable->getRolePermissions();

private function debugAcl($role, $resource, $permission)
    echo 'Role:-' . $role . '==>' . $resource . '\\' . $permission .  '<br/>';

2016 年 6 月 10 日其他信息 我还发现该 ACL 页面不在模块的任何页面中。这些功能不会在任何页面的任何地方调用,也不会在任何页面上“使用”。那么它应该如何工作呢?

更新 06/10/2017 - 区域已修复。

我发现 module.php 中使用此功能的地方有一个白名单,页面也必须添加。下面是您添加它们的位置。

$whiteList = array(
        *Add whatever modules/controller/action you do not want included*


以上是我的问题的结论。我偶然发现了它。我没有查看 module.php 文件。这就是答案。

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