php - 在循环中为每个用户存储值(value)

标签 php mysql arrays loops

在应用程序中,我有一个选择用户并选择类(class) ID。我想要做的是对于每个选择的用户,我想在数据库(MySQL)中创建新记录 已选择类(class) ID。为了更好地解释它应该是这样的:


在此场景中,已选择 2 个用户和 2 个类(class),因此已创建 4 条记录:

Date | User_ID | Lesson_ID
NOW()|67A62    |12
NOW()|220A0    |12
NOW()|67A62    |8
NOW()|220A0    |8

My Code:

In my code it goes through the list side by side. So the first user_id in the list will be assigned the first lesson_id in the list. Instead of what I want which is assign all the users from the user_id list each item (lesson_id) in the lesson_id list

My current php code for storing values in the MySQL DB:

public function storeClass($attendees, $lesson_iDs) {
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO watch (date, user_id, lesson_id) VALUES(NOW(), ?, ?)");

    $i = 0;

    foreach ($attendees as $index => $attendee) {

        $stmt->bind_param("ss", $attendees[$i], $lesson_iDs[$i]);
        $result = $stmt->execute();
        // var_dump($i);

            echo 'Error: ' .$stmt->error;


    // result
    return $result;

是因为我有一行$stmt->bind_param("ss", attendees[$i], Lesson_iDs[$i]);

如何更改此代码以执行我要求它执行的操作?我对 php 的经验很少,所以这就是为什么我问这样一个糟糕的问题


如果我理解您想要正确执行的操作,则问题不在于您的查询,而在于循环。如果您想要 user_id x Lesson_id 的笛卡尔积,则需要在循环中另一个循环。例如:

foreach ($users as $user_id)
    foreach ($lessons as $lesson_id)
        $stmt->bind_param("ss", $user_id, $lesson_id);

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