mysql - 将子查询的 SUM() 结果计算为总计

标签 mysql sql

这个问题让我的大脑开始受伤,我希望得到一些指导。我试图获得的查询结果是三个值:attendanceScorelootScoretotalScore (attendanceScore - lootScore)。

  • 通过三个表跟踪出勤情况:attendance , attendancelog ,和attendancevalues .

    • attendance记录个人的出勤状态附加到 attendancelog记录。出席有“出席”、“缺席”和“请出”等类型。
    • attendancelog是父记录,记录事件类型、标题和日期以及记录出席者和时间。
    • attendancevalues是一个与出勤type匹配的配置表来自attendance和事件type来自attendancelog并返回一个可配置的value float 。
  • 战利品通过两个表进行跟踪:lootloottypes .

    • loot记录每个单独的项目、谁收到的、何时收到的以及内容 type这是战利品(主要、次要、混战)。
    • loottypes是一个配置表,采用 type来自loot并返回一个可配置的cost float 。

经过一些工作,我想出了一个有效的查询来获取 attendanceScorelootScore :

(SELECT SUM(t3.`value`)
FROM `attendance` t1
    INNER JOIN `attendancelog` t2
        ON t2.`id` = t1.`attendancelog_id`
    INNER JOIN `attendancevalues` t3
        ON t3.`eventtype_id` = t2.`type` AND t3.`attendancetype_id` = t1.`type`
WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) as attendanceScore,

(SELECT SUM(t2.`cost`) 
    FROM `loot` t1
        INNER JOIN `loottypes` t2
            ON t2.`id` = t1.`type`
    WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) as lootScore

我知道这不起作用,但我尝试添加 (attendanceScore - lootScore)查询,但它说这些字段不可用。这最终是我完成查询所需的。

可以通过将每个子查询直接复制到 (attendanceScore - lootScore) 来获得我想要的结果。但这绝对是可怕的,而且我确信没有必要:

(SELECT SUM(t3.`value`)
FROM `attendance` t1
    INNER JOIN `attendancelog` t2
        ON t2.`id` = t1.`attendancelog_id`
    INNER JOIN `attendancevalues` t3
        ON t3.`eventtype_id` = t2.`type` AND t3.`attendancetype_id` = t1.`type`
WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) as attendanceScore,

(SELECT SUM(t2.`cost`) 
    FROM `loot` t1
        INNER JOIN `loottypes` t2
            ON t2.`id` = t1.`type`
    WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) as lootScore,

    (SELECT SUM(t3.`value`)
    FROM `attendance` t1
        INNER JOIN `attendancelog` t2
            ON t2.`id` = t1.`attendancelog_id`
        INNER JOIN `attendancevalues` t3
            ON t3.`eventtype_id` = t2.`type` AND t3.`attendancetype_id` = t1.`type`
    WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) - (SELECT SUM(t2.`cost`) 
    FROM `loot` t1
        INNER JOIN `loottypes` t2
            ON t2.`id` = t1.`type`
    WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3)
) as totalScore



您可以使用内联 View

SELECT attendanceScore,
        attendanceScore - lootScore as totalScore
        SELECT SUM(t3.`value`)
        FROM `attendance` t1
        INNER JOIN `attendancelog` t2
            ON t2.`id` = t1.`attendancelog_id`
        INNER JOIN `attendancevalues` t3
            ON t3.`eventtype_id` = t2.`type` AND t3.`attendancetype_id` = t1.`type`
        WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3
    ) as attendanceScore,
        SELECT SUM(t2.`cost`) 
        FROM `loot` t1
        INNER JOIN `loottypes` t2 ON t2.`id` = t1.`type`
        WHERE t1.`user_id` = 3) as lootScore
) t

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