php - FPDF/PHP : Footer page is display at the bottom of the next page (Blank page)

标签 php mysql fpdf

目前,我创建了一个可以生成PDF的系统。 PDF 中的数据来自 MySQL 数据库。现在,我像这样显示数据


第二页文字:将显示数据(每页最多 3 个数据)


首页 = 1 条数据显示

第二页 = 3 条数据显示



如果最后一页包含 1 或 2 个数据,则页脚将显示在该页的底部。但是...如果最后一页包含 3 个数据,页脚将显示在下一页(空白页)的底部。我不知道是什么问题。有人可以帮忙吗?


  $user3 = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM ot_report LEFT JOIN ot_users ON ot_report.badgeid = ot_users.badgeid LEFT JOIN ot_team ON ot_team.team_id = ot_users.team_id 
  WHERE ot_team.team_id = '".$_GET['team']."' AND report_date BETWEEN '".$_GET["from"]."' AND '".$_GET["to"]."' ORDER BY ot_report.report_date DESC");
      $count = 0;
      while ($row = $user3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){

          $pdf->Cell(34,7,"From: ".date('H:i',strtotime($row['ot_start'])),1,0);
          $pdf->Cell(33,7,"To: ".date('H:i',strtotime($row['ot_end'])),1,1); 
          $pdf->Cell(87,7,'After',1,1, 'C');

          $logo = file_get_contents('../../images/faces/noimage.png');

          if(!isset($row['photo_before']) || empty($row['photo_before'])) {
            $pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage($logo, $pdf->GetX()+20, $pdf->GetY()+5, 47,47,), 1, 0, 'C');
            $pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage(base64_decode($row['photo_before']), $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 0, 'C');

          if(!isset($row['photo_after']) || empty($row['photo_after'])) {
            $pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage($logo, $pdf->GetX()+20, $pdf->GetY()+5, 47,47,), 1, 1, 'C');
            $pdf->Cell(87, 57, $pdf->MemImage(base64_decode($row['photo_after']), $pdf->GetX()+21, $pdf->GetY()+2, 45,53,), 1, 1, 'C');

          if ($row['time_photo_before'] == null){
            $pdf->Cell(87,7,'-',1,0, 'C');
            $pdf->Cell(87,7,$row['time_photo_before'],1,0, 'C');

          if ($row['time_photo_after'] == null){
            $pdf->Cell(87,7,'-',1,1, 'C');
            $pdf->Cell(87,7,$row['time_photo_after'],1,1, 'C');

          if ((($count - 3) % 3) === 0) {






      $pdf->Footer($pdf->Cell(58,9,'Prepared by,',0,0,"C"));
      $pdf->Footer($pdf->Cell(58,9,'Verified by,',0,0,"C"));
      $pdf->Footer($pdf->Cell(58,9,'Approved by,',0,1,"C"));




扩展 FPDF 类并修改默认页脚。任何时候启动新页面时,都会调用页脚方法的内容,这应该会为您带来所需的结果。

class PDF extends FPDF {
    function Footer() {
      $this->Cell(58,9,'Prepared by,',0,0,"C"));
      $this->Cell(58,9,'Verified by,',0,0,"C"));
      $this->Cell(58,9,'Approved by,',0,1,"C"));
    }  // end of the Footer function
}  // end of the PDF class

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