php - 使用 PDO 执行高级搜索查询的问题

标签 php mysql pdo



$today = date("Y-m-d");
$query = "SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE Date >= '$today'";

$bind = Array();

if ($_GET["Title"] && $_GET["Title"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Title like %?%";
    $bind['Title'] = $_GET['Title'];
if ($_GET["Genre"] && $_GET["Genre"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Genre like %?%";
    $bind['Genre'] = $_GET['Genre'];
if ($_GET["Location"] && $_GET["Location"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Location like %?%";
    $bind['Location'] = $_GET['Location'];
if ($_GET["Date"] && $_GET["Date"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Date = %?%";
    $bind['Date'] = $_GET['Date'];

$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$num = count($rows);

$query .= " ORDER BY Date LIMIT $limit, 9";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

编辑:在大家的帮助下,我想我应该发布我现在修改后的代码以供将来引用。事实证明,其他字段不起作用,而是由于 if 语句,所有嵌套在代码中的内容根本没有被执行。

$today = date("Y-m-d");
$query = "SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE Date >= '$today'";
$countq = "SELECT count(*) FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE Date >= '$today'";

$bind = Array();

if ($_GET["Title"] && $_GET["Title"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Title like :title";
    $countq .= " and Title like :title";
    $bind[':title'] = "%{$_GET['Title']}%";
if ($_GET["Genre"] && $_GET["Genre"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Genre like :genre";
    $countq .= " and Genre like :genre";
    $bind[':genre'] = "%{$_GET['Genre']}%";
if ($_GET["Location"] && $_GET["Location"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Location like :loc";
    $countq .= " and Location like :loc";
    $bind[':loc'] = "%{$_GET['Location']}%";
if ($_GET["Date"] && $_GET["Date"] != "") {
    $query .= " and Date = :date";
    $countq .= " and Date = :date";
    $bind[':date'] = "{$_GET['Date']}";

$stmt = $db->prepare($countq);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
$num = count($rows);

$query .= " ORDER BY Date LIMIT $limit, 9";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


all of the search functions work


来自PDO tag wiki :

placeholders cannot represent an arbitrary part of the query, but a complete data literal only. Neither part of literal, nor whatever complex expression or a syntax keyword can be substituted with prepared statement.

Prepare FULL literal first: $name = "%$name%"; and then bind it.

至于“更”有效的分页方法 - 是的,哦,是的。
但当然它很快就会污染所有的内存。因此,如果您想从数据库中获取行数,请获取具体计数:运行相同的查询,但不要使用 SELECT * 而是使用 "SELECT count(*)

There are not any errors returned, that's why I am so confused

再次来自 PDO 标签 wiki:

It is essential to set ERRMODE_EXCEPTION as a connection option as it will let PDO throw exceptions on connection errors. And this mode is the only reliable way to handle PDO errors.

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