mysql - 获取每个名称的总成本之和

标签 mysql sql

I'm trying to get the following result in mysql with below table: I have tried to use sum (case when) but it give me the result for an individual name only ,I want in the report the the total cost for each user.

注意:ID 列并不重要,您可以忽略它。

mysql> select * from calls_records;

| id | month | name       | cost |
|  1 | 1     | osama      |   40 |
|  2 | 1     | rahman     |   40 |
|  3 | 1     | ahmed      |   30 |
|  4 | 1     | ali albann | 10.5 |
|  5 | 2     | osama      |   10 |
|  6 | 2     | ali albann |   30 |
|  7 | 2     | ahmed      |   10 |
|  8 | 2     | rahman     |   10 |


| name       | total_cost_for_each_user  |
| ahmed      |   50                      |
| ali albann | 40.5                      |
| osama      |   50                      |
| rahman     |   50                      |



select name, sum(cost) as totalcost
from calls_records
group by name


|    name    | totalcost |
| ahmed      | 40        |
| ali albann | 40.5      |
| osama      | 50        |
| rahman     | 50        |


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