php - 根据所选行更新表单提交

标签 php mysql forms


我正在尝试构建一个计费系统。在数据库中,每张发票都有一个 PK,其中包含发票日期、到期日等项目。我有另一个表,其中列出了项目(itemID 是 PK)以及两个表中发票 ID 之间的关系。我的问题出在 Items 表上。


这是我的表格的示意图。绿色箭头表示项目列表中的最后一行(我可以更新);红色箭头表示我无法更新的行。 enter image description here

如您所见,我能够将单个 itemID 放入变量中,以显示在表单提交按钮旁边:

                        <input type="submit" name="submit_items" value="Submit" />'

我想知道如何“链接”/“关联”单个项目 ID,以便它将运行相应的 MySQL。例如,当我单击 itemID 4164 的提交按钮时,我正在查找 MySQL 查询来更新 itemID 行 4164。目前,我的代码仅更新最后一个 itemID。

这是能够更新最终项目的 MySQL 查询:

      UPDATE o70vm_invoices_items SET 
                invoice_id = $invoiceID, 
                name = '$program',
                `desc` ='$forWeek', 
                value = $value,
                amount = $qty

                WHERE id=$id

我尝试将 WHERE 语句更改为:

               WHERE id=".$row->item_id.""

但是,没有显示任何项目。我想我已经很接近了。这几天一直在努力。如果有一种方法可以更改代码以自动获取表单提交按钮所在位置的行 ID,我将距离完成这个项目又近了一大步。这一步我自己似乎无法完成。如果有人在听的话谢谢。 :)



            $queryItems = "select 
        o.`id` as 'item_id',
        o.`invoice_id` as 'invoice_id_on_items',
        o.`name` as 'program',
        o.`value` as 'fee',
        o.`amount` as 'qty',
        o.`desc` as 'forweek',
        group_concat( o.`desc` separator ' & ' ) as 'forweekgroup',          
        round( sum( ( o.`value` ) * ( o.`amount` ) ),2 ) as 'inv-total'
        from `o70vm_invoices_items` o
        where o.`invoice_id` = $invoiceSelected
        GROUP BY";

  // storing the result of this MySQL query
$resultItems = mysql_query( $queryItems );


<form action="" method="post">

echo "<h2>Invoice Items</h2>";

if( $resultItems ){
    echo '
                <th scope="col">Invoice ID</th>
                <th scope="col">Item ID</th>
                <th scope="col">For Services Rendered</th>
                <th scope="col">Program</th>
                <th scope="col">Fee</th>
                <th scope="col">Quantity</th>
                <th scope="col">Total Fees</th>
                <th scope="col">Edit</th>


    $id=0; /* Each field / element that has an id must have a unique id ~ use a counter to achieve this */


    while( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $resultItems ) ){

        $id++;/* Increment the id counter */

        echo '


                <input type="hidden" title="'.$row->invoice_id_on_items.'" name="invoice_id" size="10" id="invoice_id" value="' . $row->invoice_id_on_items. '" />


                <input type="hidden" title="'.$row->item_id.'" name="id" size="13" id="id" value="'.$row->item_id. '" />

                    <input type="text" title="'.$row->forweek.'" name="desc" size="15" id="desc" value="' . $row->forweek. '" />
                    <input type="text" title="'.$row->program.'" name="name" size="50" id="name" value="' . $row->program. '" />
                    <input type="number" title="'.$row->fee.'" name="value" size="3" id="value" value="' . $row->fee. '" />
                    <input type="number" title="'.$row->qty.'" name="amount" size="3" id="amount" value="' . $row->qty. '" />
                $Fee = floatval($row->fee);
                $Qty = floatval($row->qty);
                echo '
                    <input type="text" title="'.$ItemFee.'" name="total_fee" size="3" id="total_fee" value="' . $ItemFee. '" />

                        <input type="submit" name="submit_items" value="Submit" />'



    echo '
        <td colspan=6></td>                     

} else {/* Do not give away too much information and degrade gracefully */
    echo "We can't seem to pull the data information on this one, baby.  Sorry.  Code must be wrong.";
    echo "Error:".mysql_error();


            // get variables from the URL/form
            $id = $_POST['id'];
            $invoiceID = htmlentities($_POST['invoice_id'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $program = htmlentities($_POST['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $forWeek = htmlentities($_POST['desc'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $value = htmlentities($_POST['value'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $qty = htmlentities($_POST['amount'], ENT_QUOTES);

            //NOTE: desc is a MySQL reserved word so we need to `desc` 
                $stmt = "UPDATE o70vm_invoices_items SET 
                invoice_id = $invoiceID, 
                name = '$program',
                `desc` ='$forWeek', 
                value = $value,
                amount = $qty

                WHERE id=$id";



while( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $resultItems ) ){
        Copied quickly so if there are cells missing you should get the idea
    echo '
        <tr data-id="'.$row->item_id.'">
            <td><input type="text" title="'.$row->forweek.'" name="desc_'.$row->item_id.'" size="15" id="desc" value="' . $row->forweek. '" /></td>
            <td><input type="text" title="'.$row->program.'" name="name_'.$row->item_id.'" size="50" id="name" value="' . $row->program. '" /></td>
            <td><input type="number" title="'.$row->fee.'" name="value_'.$row->item_id.'" size="3" id="value_'.$row->item_id.'" value="' . $row->fee. '" /></td>
            <td><input type="number" title="'.$row->qty.'" name="amount_'.$row->item_id.'" size="3" id="amount_'.$row->item_id.'" value="' . $row->qty. '" /></td>
                <input type=\'button\' value=\'Submit\' />
                /* Notice it is now a simple button */
                <input type="hidden" title="'.$row->item_id.'" name="id_'.$row->item_id.'" size="13" id="id_'.$row->item_id.'" value="'.$row->item_id. '" />
                <input type="hidden" title="'.$row->invoice_id_on_items.'" name="invoice_id_'.$row->item_id.'" size="10" id="invoice_id_'.$row->item_id.'" value="' . $row->invoice_id_on_items. '" />

在头部,类似以下内容: (这是未经测试的,但其想法是,它将通过 ajax 请求将数据发送到处理数据的接收脚本 ~ 即:表单操作)


  function initialise(){/* establish listeners for button click events */
    var col=document.querySelectorAll('input[type="button"]');
    if( col )for( var n in col ){
        if( col[n] && typeof(col[n]))=='object' && col[n].nodeType==1 ) col[n].addEventListener('click',processclicks,false );

  function cbprocclick(r){
      alert( r );

  function processclicks(event){/* Process the button click */
    var el=typeof(!='undefined' ? : event.srcElement;
    var parent=el.parentNode.parentNode;
    var callback=cbprocclick;

    var col=parent.querySelectorAll('input');
    var fd=new FormData();

    for( var n in col ) fd.append( n, col[n] );

    /* Forgot the custom field for the ID */
    fd.append( 'record_id', id );

    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    /* here you can setup a callback to handle messages sent back */
    if( request.status==200 && request.readystate==4 ){ this, request.responseText ); /* etc */
    } "POST", "" );
    request.send( fd );

    document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initialise, false );

提交数据时,每个字段都会在末尾附加记录 ID - 例如:desc_4 等 javascript 函数 processclicks 有一个名为 record_id 的自定义字段(抱歉,昨天晚上忘了包含该字段),它是 $row->item_id -因此,在接收端,您应该能够使用此 record_id



    if( isset( $_POST['record_id'] ) ){
          /* Make sure we discard any output ther emay have been to this point */

        /* For debugging, try: */
        /* Use the console to see what your request looks like and also the response */

        /* The record id sent as custom field */

        /* The records sent in the request */
        $description = htmlentities( $_POST['desc_'.$recordid], ENT_QUOTES );
        $invoiceid = htmlentities( $_POST[ 'invoice_id_'.$record_id ], ENT_QUOTES );
        $program = htmlentities( $_POST[ 'name_'.$record_id ], ENT_QUOTES );
        $fee = htmlentities( $_POST[ 'value_'.$record_id ], ENT_QUOTES );
        $qty = htmlentities( $_POST[ 'amount_'.$record_id ], ENT_QUOTES );

        /* Then construct your sql */
        $sql="update `o70vm_invoices_items` set 
                    `invoice_id` = '$invoiceid', 
                    `name` = '$program',
                    `desc` = '$description', 
                    `value` = '$fee',
                    `amount` = '$qty'
                    where `id`='$recordid';";           

          Because you are posting data via ajax 
          you only want to submit data, not load the 
          entire page again

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