mysql - Group By MySQL 查询返回带有参数的特定结果

标签 mysql



`chats` table
id     created_time 
 1     [TIMESTAMP]
 2     [TIMESTAMP]

`chats.parties` table   
id     chat_id     member_id     invited_by
 1     1           1             0 // creator of chat
 2     1           2             1
 3     1           3             1
 4     2           1             0
 5     2           2             1

chat_id 分组,但仅返回包含 member_id=1member_id=2 行的结果;不多也不少。

在上表中,仅返回 chat_id=2 行,因为 chat_id=1 包含第三个成员。

这可以用原始 SQL 实现吗?我不想在 php 中循环,因为需要一段时间进行大量聊天。



-- using conditional aggregation
select chat_id from chat_parties
group by chat_id
having sum(case when member_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end) > 0
   and sum(case when member_id = 2 then 1 else 0 end) > 0
   and sum(case when member_id not in (1, 2) then 1 else 0 end) = 0

-- using a correlated subquery
select chat_id from chat_parties c1
where member_id in (1,2)
and not exists (
  select 1 from chat_parties where chat_id = c1.chat_id and member_id not in (1,2)
group by chat_id having count(distinct member_id) = 2


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