php - 来自数据库列的随机值,但在 Laravel 中仅出现一次

标签 php mysql laravel-4


这是我的 Controller

public function view() {

    $view = View::orderByRaw("RAND()")->limit('1')->get();          

    return View::make('site.view', [
            'view' => $view

我的 Blade 里有

@foreach($view as $rand) 
  {{ Form::open() }}
      {{ $rand['my_view'] }} 

       // bunch of form fealds
       <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
  {{ Form::clode() }}



选项 #1 - 将从 View::make 获取的数据保存到 session 中并返回:

public function view() {
    $rand_view = Session::get('rand_view');
    if (!$rand_view) {
        $view = View::orderByRaw("RAND()")->limit('1')->get();

        $rand_view = View::make('site.view', [
            'view' => $view

        Session::put('rand_view', $rand_view);
    return $rand_view;

选项 #2 - 对于特定用户 - 始终生成相同的“随机数”:

public function view() {
    // To make sure we generate the same RAND() we generate a random seed for each user and we save that seed in the session for that user.
    $rand_seed = Session::get('rand_seed');
    if (!$rand_seed) {
        $rand_seed = mt_rand();
        Session::put('rand_seed', $rand_seed);

    $view = View::orderByRaw("RAND({$rand_seed})")->limit('1')->get();          

    return View::make('site.view', [
        'view' => $view


经过一些调试后,选项 #1 似乎不起作用,因为 View::make 返回一个无法序列化的对象。如果您需要此解决方案,请使用选项#2

关于php - 来自数据库列的随机值,但在 Laravel 中仅出现一次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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