php - 如何使用 php 对 id 进行分组并内联日期

标签 php mysql loops

这是我的示例代码,我想对 ID 进行分组并内联日期,如下图所示

 $sql_e = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM tbl_attendees");
 while($sql_e_res = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_e)){
    $dt = ''.$sql_e_res['at_date'].'';
    $dt = strtotime(str_replace(',', '', $dt));
    $d = date('j',$dt);

    $currentdays = intval(date("t"));
    $i = 0;
    while ($i++ < $currentdays){
        if($i == $d){
            $ff='<td style="text-align:center">'.$d.'</td>';            
            $ff='<td style="text-align:center">';
            echo $ff;


What i want


正如 xQbert 所说,您需要按 s_usn 对查询进行排序

编辑:我的代码期望处理的查询是 "SELECT * FROM tbl_attendees ORDER BY s_usn asc;"

<小时/> 我想这段代码有机会得到更加优化,但我试图让我的编码风格非常接近你的风格并重用你的 var 名称。我还尝试将代码的可读性放在首位。尝试这个代码,我几乎评论了所有内容

代码是一个关于抛出结果行的大循环,对于每一行,您将检查这是否是新学生。如果是新学生,那么您将在名为 $daysTDs 的字符串中构建前一个学生的参加日期。看起来像这样 "<td>1<td><td><td><td>3<td>...."

我们将从一个名为 $attendees 的数组构建这个字符串。包含该学生参加的所有天数,可能看起来像这样

  $attendees = [12,10]

当我们遇到新学生时,我们会回应$daysTDs前一个学生的行,并按 </tr> 关闭该行循环完成后,我们还将回显最后一个学生 $daysTDs字符串并按 </tr> 关闭它的行

$lastId = "";  //var to check the new students
$daysTDs = ""; // a string holding the TDs of the student e.g '<td>1<td><td><td><td>3<td>....'
$attendees = []; //array to hold the days 
$currentdays = intval(date("t"));

//start query result loop
 while($sql_e_res = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_e)){
    if($sql_e_res['s_usn']!=$lastId){//if new student
        $i = 0;
        //new student ? then build the $daysTDs string from $attendees attay for the previous student
        while ($i++ < $currentdays){ //fot the first student it will be empty and will not get echoed
            if(in_array($i, $attendees)){$daysTDs .= "<td>$i</td>";}
            else{$daysTDs .= "<td></td>";}
            echo $daysTDs;//if not first student append the $daysTDs
            echo'</tr>'; //if not first student, then close the row </tr>       
        $attendees = []; // flush the array for the next student
        $daysTDs=""; // empty the TDs string for the next student

    $dt = ''.$sql_e_res['at_date'].'';
    $dt = strtotime(str_replace(',', '', $dt));
    $d = date('j',$dt);
    $attendees[]=$d; //push that day to this student attendees array                                               
//after the loop is ended finish the last student row
while ($i++ < $currentdays){
    if(in_array($i, $attendees)){$daysTDs .= "<td>$i</td>";}
    else{$daysTDs .= "<td></td>";}
echo $daysTDs;


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