php - 卸载事件页面时重置数据库字段值

标签 php mysql cakephp web

在我的应用程序中,我有一个记录锁定机制,可以防止两个人同时处于记录的编辑 View 中。以下是在编辑 View 中调用记录时锁定记录的函数:

public function lockRecord($id = null) {
$this->Model->id = $id;
$current = $this->Model->read(null, $id);

//Get the current logged-in user's ID
$userid = $current['Model']['requester_id'];

//Get the current lock expiry time
$lock_time = $this->Model->find('first', array(

//Get the ID of the user who has the record lock (if any)
$logged_user = $this->Model->find('first', array(

//Get that same user's full name
$full_name = $this->User->find('first', array(
  'joins' => array(
      'table' => 'recordtable',
      'alias' => 'Model',
      'type' => 'INNER',
      'conditions' => array('Model.lock_key =')
$this->set('lock_time', $lock_time);
if(AuthComponent::user('id') != $logged_user['Msr']['lock_key'] && date("Y-m-d H:i:s") < $lock_time['Msr']['lock_expiry_time']) {
  $this->Session->setFlash(__('This MSR is locked for editing by ' . $full_name['User']['full_name'] . '. Please try again in a few minutes or wait for this user to close the document.<br/>
    (Lock expires at '. $lock_time['Msr']['lock_expiry_time'] . ')'));
  $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id));
} else {
  //Set a new lock key and expiry time if the record is free for editing
  $locksession = $this->Msr->query("UPDATE msrs SET lock_key = {$userid}, lock_expiry_time = ADDTIME(NOW(), '00:05:00') WHERE id = {$id}");
  $this->set('locksession', $locksession);

当用户保存更改时,将调用unlockRecord函数来释放 key ,重置lock_expiry_time,并将用户重定向到“View” View :

public function unlockRecord($id = null) {
//Get a list of security groups
$groups = $this->Session->read('groups');
$this->Msr->id = $id;
//Reset the lock_key and the lock_expiry_time
$locksession = $this->Msr->query("UPDATE msrs SET lock_key = '', lock_expiry_time = '' WHERE id = {$id} ");
//If the module admin manually releases the lock, display a message
if(in_array('msr_module_admin', $groups)) {
  $this->Session->setFlash(__('The MSR has been unlocked and is available for editing.'));
$this->redirect(array('action'=>'view', $id));





我需要在编辑 View 中的记录不再处于事件状态时随时释放锁定。例如,如果用户点击到另一个站点或点击我自己站点中的不同链接;任何使他们离开在编辑 View 中打开的记录的东西。 lock_key 应设置为“”,lock_expiry_time 设置为“”。我怎样才能做到这一点?





一个选择:在使用 ajax-style 的编辑页面中放置一些 Javascript每隔一段时间请求一次,通过保活请求访问您的网站。您可以将其设置为每分钟访问您的网站。每次收到keepalive请求,都可以将过期时间延长90秒。

另一种选择:您可能已经注意到 StackOverflow 页面会抛出一个浏览器对话框,显示“您想离开此站点吗?”如果您在编辑帖子时按“后退”按钮。因此,每当您放弃页面时,实际上都会抛出该对话框。他们使用 onbeforeunload浏览器中的事件。您可以执行相同的操作,在激活编辑页面时启用对话框,并在用户保存页面时禁用它。


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