ios - 如何使用 Swift 4.2 在 TableView 中创建 JSON 可编码结构数据的搜索功能?

标签 ios swift uitableview

我的场景,我创建了UITableView具有以下结构 JSON数据加载。我需要添加global搜索 firstname , price , date , titledescription 。在这里,我尝试过,但对我来说效果不佳。请给我一些解决方案。

例如:用户 searched通过nameprice , date , titledescription UITableView 应该整理列表。


struct Welcome: Codable {
    let status: Int
    let message: String
    let ode: Int
    let data: [Datum]

struct Datum: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let title, description: String
    let price: Int
    let user: User
    let Appcode: Appcode
    let Appbase: Appbase

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id
        case userID = "userid"
        case title, description
        case price
        case Date = "date"
        case location, user
        case appcode = "appcode”
        case appbase = "appbase”

struct Appcode: Codable {
    let card: String

struct Appbase: Codable {
    let base: String

struct User: Codable {
    let firstname, lastname: String


    var tableArray = [Datum]()
    var filteredResults = [Datum]()
    lazy var searchBar:UISearchBar = UISearchBar() 
    var isSearching = false

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

        if isSearching {
            return filteredResults.count
        } else {
            return self.tableArray.count
        return 0


func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {

        if searchBar.text == nil || searchBar.text == "" { //
            isSearching = false
        else {
            isSearching = true
            filteredResults = tableArray.filter({ value -> Bool in
                guard let text =  searchBar.text else { return false}
                return value.description.contains(text) // According to title from JSON


在您的结构数据中,您的 CodingKeys 与您的属性名称不匹配

The names of the enumeration cases should match the names you've given to the corresponding properties in your type.


struct Datum: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let title, description: String
    let price: Int
    let user: User
    let appCode: Appcode
    let appBase: Appbase

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id
        case title, description
        case price
        case user
        case appCode = "appcode"
        case appBase = "appbase"


let datum1 = Datum(id: 1, title: "test", description: "test1", price: 10, user: User(firstname: "a", lastname: "b"), appCode: Appcode(card: "app"), appBase: Appbase(base: "base"))

let datum2 = Datum(id: 1, title: "test", description: "test2", price: 10, user: User(firstname: "a", lastname: "b"), appCode: Appcode(card: "app"), appBase: Appbase(base: "base"))

let datum3 = Datum(id: 1, title: "test", description: "test3", price: 10, user: User(firstname: "a", lastname: "b"), appCode: Appcode(card: "app"), appBase: Appbase(base: "base"))

let array = [datum1, datum2, datum3]
array.filter{$0.user.firstname == "a"}

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