ios - 如何在Core Data中的NSFetchedResultsController中使用缓存

标签 ios swift nsfetchedresultscontroller

我正在我的 viewDidLoad 方法中执行此代码

fetchedResultCont = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: req,
 managedObjectContext: container.viewContext,
 sectionNameKeyPath: nil,
 cacheName: nil)


谁能告诉我如何使用缓存代替缓存名称中的 nil 来加快进程?



fetchedResultCont = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: req,
     managedObjectContext: container.viewContext,
     sectionNameKeyPath: "SectionKey",
     cacheName: "MyCache")



The name of the cache file the receiver should use. Pass nil to prevent caching.

Pre-computed section info is cached to a private directory under this name. If Core Data finds a cache stored with this name, it is checked to see if it matches the fetchRequest. If it does, the cache is loaded directly—this avoids the overhead of computing the section and index information. If the cached information doesn’t match the request, the cache is deleted and recomputed when the fetch happens.

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