ios - 我无法让本地通知在 xcode 模拟器上的设定时间显示

标签 ios swift xcode uilocalnotification simulator


import UIKit
import UserNotifications

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  override func viewDidLoad() {

     // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
      let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
      center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound])
          { (granted, error) in

      let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
      content.title = "Prevent nosocomial infections!"
      content.body = "Make sure to do hand hygiene"
      content.sound = .default

      var dateComponents = DateComponents ()
      dateComponents.hour = 9
      dateComponents.minute = 30

      let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateComponents, repeats: true)
      let uuidString = UUID().uuidString
      let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: uuidString, content: content, trigger: trigger)

      center.add(request) { (error) in


I initially had it set to go off ten seconds after notifications were accepted by the simulator

不,那不是你正在做的事情。 center.requestAuthorization 异步返回其值。因此,您尝试在用户接受通知之前安排通知:对话框仍处于打开状态,询问通知,同时您可以直接继续执行代码。显然这是行不通的,因为通知尚未被接受。您需要将该代码移至 requestAuthorization 的(当前为空)完成处理程序中。

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