iOS 创建 UIButton 矩阵

标签 ios matrix uibutton scrollview


现在我需要将此缩略图渲染到 ScrollView 中。我不知道将来会有多少缩略图,为什么我需要以编程方式将缩略图渲染到 ScrollView 中。我知道我也必须根据缩略图的数量设置 ScrollView 的高度。


第一个问题:用于显示缩略图的正确控件是什么?是 UIButton 作为自定义按钮,缩略图设置为背景图像吗?




第一个答案:我建议使用 UIButton 来实现此目的,这就是我在这种情况下会做的


NSArray *thumbnailImages;
UIScrollView *scrollView;
//Scrollview is linked up through IB or created dynamically...whatever is easier for you
//The thumbnailImages array is populated by your list of thumbnails

//Assuming that your thumbnails are all the same size:
const float thumbWidth = 60.f;//Just a random number for example's sake
const float thumbHeight = 90.f;
//Determine how many thumbnails per row are in your matrix.
//I use 320.f as it is the default width of the view, use the width of your view if it is not fullscreen
const int matrixWidth = 320.f / thumbWidth;

const int contentHeight = thumbHeight * (thumbnailImages.count / matrixWidth);

for ( int i = 0; i < thumbnailImages.count; ++i )

    int columnIndex = i % matrixWidth;
    int rowIndex = i / matrixWidth;//Intentionally integer math

    UIImage* thumbImage = [thumbnailImages objectAtIndex:i];
    UIButton* thumbButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(columnIndex*thumbWidth, rowIndex*thumbHeight, thumbWidth, thumbHeight)];

    thumbButton.imageView.image = thumbImage;

    [scrollView addSubView:thumbButton];

    [thumbButton release];

[scrollView setContentSize: CGSizeMake(320.f, contentHeight)];


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