iphone - iOS 中的 “Property implementation must have its declaration in interface” 错误

标签 iphone objective-c ios properties getter-setter


Possible Duplicate:
Objective C: “Property implementation must have its declaration in interface”

我在另一个 viewController 中全局声明了一个 viewController 的对象。



2 - 我已经在 .h 文件中为该对象添加了 @property(nonatomic, keep)

3 - 我合成了相同的对象 .m 文件



#import "viewController1.h"

@interface viewController2 :UIViewController<UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource>{        
    viewController2 *vc2;

@property(nonatomic,retain)viewController2 *vc2;



.m 文件

#import "viewController2.h"

@implementation viewController2

@synthesize vc2;



  1. 清理你的项目
  2. 像这样声明属性:@property(readwrite,retain)viewController2 *vc2;

关于iphone - iOS 中的 “Property implementation must have its declaration in interface” 错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8711931/

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