iphone - 将自定义注释添加到 map 时使用

标签 iphone ios objective-c mapkit

将自定义注释类添加到 map View 时,我无法访问它。我的自定义类工作正常,但当我将其添加到 map 时,我不确定如何通过此委托(delegate)访问自定义注释:

- (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation



CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(shops.latitude, shops.longitude);
    AnnotationForId *shop = [[AnnotationForId alloc] initWithCoordinate:coords];
    //[[CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(shops.latitude, shops.longtitude)]];
    shop.title = shops.name;
    shop.subtitle = @"Coffee Shop";
    shop.shopId = shops.id;
    [map addAnnotation:shop];


这是如何创建自定义 AnnotationView 的简单示例。


#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

@interface AnnotationView : MKPlacemark

@property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *title;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *subtitle;

// you can put here any controllers that you want. (such like UIImage, UIView,...etc)



#import "AnnotationView.h"

@implementation AnnotationView

- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate addressDictionary:(NSDictionary *)addressDictionary
    if ((self = [super initWithCoordinate:coordinate addressDictionary:addressDictionary]))
        self.coordinate = coordinate;
    return self;


//使用注释 在相关.m 文件中添加#import "AnnotationView.h":

CLLocationCoordinate2D pCoordinate ;
pCoordinate.latitude = LatValue;
pCoordinate.longitude = LanValue;

// Create Obj Of  AnnotationView class  

AnnotationView *annotation = [[AnnotationView alloc] initWithCoordinate:pCoordinate addressDictionary:nil] ;

    annotation.title = @"I m Here";
    annotation.subtitle = @"This is Sub Tiitle";

[self.mapView addAnnotation:annotation];

关于iphone - 将自定义注释添加到 map 时使用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15684080/


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