ios - 如何一键滑动多个按钮

标签 ios swift

我有 5 个按钮;每个都允许 touchUpInside-action 和 touchDragOutside-action...以及通过 tapGestureRecognizers 的 doubleTap-action 和 longPress-action。

我还想允许用户从任何 UIButton 和滑动触摸到的任何附加 UIButton 开始滑动,这些按钮(包括第一次触摸)执行它们的 @IBAction func Swipe.

所以像这样连续滑动 enter image description here 将为 UIButtons 1、2、3、4 和 5 执行 @IBAction func swipe



// Create an array to hold the buttons you've swiped over
var buttonArray:NSMutableArray!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Make your view's UIPanGestureRecognizer call panGestureMethod:
    // (don't use a UISwipeGestureRecognizer since it's a discrete gesture)
    panGesture.addTarget(self, action: "panGestureMethod:")

func panGestureMethod(gesture:UIPanGestureRecognizer) {

    // Initialize and empty array to hold the buttons at the
    // start of the gesture 
    if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Began {
        buttonArray = NSMutableArray()

    // Get the gesture's point location within its view
    // (This answer assumes the gesture and the buttons are
    // within the same view, ex. the gesture is attached to
    // the view controller's superview and the buttons are within
    // that same superview.)
    let pointInView = gesture.locationInView(gesture.view)

    // For each button, if the gesture is within the button and
    // the button hasn't yet been added to the array, add it to the
    // array. (This example uses 4 buttons instead of 9 for simplicity's
    // sake
    if !buttonArray.containsObject(button1) && CGRectContainsPoint(button1.frame, pointInView){
    else if !buttonArray.containsObject(button2) && CGRectContainsPoint(button2.frame, pointInView){
    else if !buttonArray.containsObject(button3) && CGRectContainsPoint(button3.frame, pointInView){
    else if !buttonArray.containsObject(button4) && CGRectContainsPoint(button4.frame, pointInView){

    // Once the gesture ends, trigger the buttons within the
    // array using whatever control event would otherwise trigger
    // the button's method.
    if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended && buttonArray.count > 0 {
        for button in buttonArray {
            (button as UIButton).sendActionsForControlEvents(UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

(编辑:这是我过去写的一些答案,解释了我所说的 UISwipeGestureRecognizer 是一个离散手势的意思 , )

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