iphone - 如何在 iOS 5.1 及更低版本的 UILabel 中创建多色文本

标签 iphone ios uilabel


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我在 iOS 6 中使用 NSMutableAttributedString 完成了此操作

 NSMutableAttributedString *text = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString: self.exerciseLbl.attributedText];
[text addAttribute: NSForegroundColorAttributeName value: [UIColor colorWithRed:(187/255.0) green:(57/255.0) blue:(38/255.0) alpha:1] range: NSMakeRange(0, 2)];
[self.exerciseLbl setAttributedText: text];

但这不适用于 iOS 5.1 及更低版本。那么我怎样才能在 iOS 5 中达到相同的结果。


/**(1)** Build the NSAttributedString *******/

NSMutableAttributedString* attrStr = [NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString:@"Hello World!"];
// for those calls we don't specify a range so it affects the whole string
[attrStr setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12]];
[attrStr setTextColor:[UIColor grayColor]];
// now we only change the color of "Hello"
 [attrStr setTextColor:[UIColor redColor] range:NSMakeRange(0,5)];
/**(2)** Affect the NSAttributedString to the OHAttributedLabel *******/
myAttributedLabel.attributedText = attrStr;`
// Use the "Justified" alignment
`myAttributedLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentJustify;`

关于iphone - 如何在 iOS 5.1 及更低版本的 UILabel 中创建多色文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17826547/


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