ios - Entitlements.entitlements 有什么作用?

标签 ios



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


"Entitlements confer specific capabilities or security permissions to your iOS or OS X app.

Set entitlement values in order to enable iCloud, push notifications, and App Sandbox. Each entitlement has a default value, which in most cases disables the capability associated with the entitlement. When you set an entitlement, you are overriding the default by providing an appropriate key-value pair.

  • iCloud entitlements let you enable the use of iCloud data storage for your iOS or OS X app.

  • You set iCloud entitlement values on a target-by-target basis in your Xcode project.

  • Push notifications let your app alert the user even when your iOS or OS X app is not executing.

  • You set push notification entitlement values as part of configuring your development and distribution provisioning profiles.

  • App Sandbox entitlements let you enable the security feature called sandboxing for your OS X app. (In iOS, all apps are sandboxed automatically, so these sandboxing entitlements do not apply.)

  • By carefully enabling only the resource access that you need, you minimize the potential for damage if malicious code successfully exploits your app. You set App Sandbox entitlement values on a target-by-target basis in your Xcode project."


目前,您拥有的这个权利 plist 看起来是空的。


<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

是文档类型定义 (DTD),是定义此 XML 文件的文档类型的标记声明。


<plist version="1.0"> 

仅告诉您 plist 的版本类型。



“当登录到应用程序时,允许其他进程(如调试器)附加到您的应用程序。分发配置文件要求关闭此值,而开发配置文件要求打开此值(否则 Xcode 永远不会能够启动并附加到您的应用程序)”(taken from this link) .需要 BOOL值,看起来当前设置为 <false/>


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