ios - 从 NSMutableDictionary 中删除多个值

标签 ios iphone objective-c nsmutablearray nsmutabledictionary

我有一个 NSMutableDictionary *categoryTableArray; 其中包含这种格式的数据

    "Generation 2" =     (
            id = 34;
            name = Footwear;
    "Generation 3" =     (
            id = 53;
            name = Party;
    "Generation 5" =     (
            id = 72;
            name = hash1;
            id = 86;
            name = uhgyututyutguhgjhbj;

在选择一些要删除的项目时,我将在 NSMutableArray *deletedArray; 中获得一个采用这种格式的 id 列表

Delete List:(
        id = 72;
        id = 53;

我需要一种有效的方法来删除与我的categoryTableArray 中的删除列表中的id 对应的对象。我当前的解决方案是修改我的删除列表以具有生成标签,然后删除,我想知道是否有其他有效的方法而不修改删除列表数组。



- (void)filterCategories
    NSMutableDictionary *categoryTableArray = [@{@"Generation 2": @[@{@"id": @(34), @"name": @"Footwear"}],
                                                 @"Generation 3": @[@{@"id": @(53), @"name": @"Party"}],
                                                 @"Generation 5": @[@{@"id": @(72), @"name": @"hash1"},
                                                                    @{@"id": @(86), @"name": @"uhgyututyutguhgjhbj"}]} mutableCopy];
    NSArray *deleteList = @[@{@"id": @(72)},
                            @{@"id": @(53)}];

    NSLog(@"Before deletion:\n%@", categoryTableArray);
    [self deletIDs:deleteList fromCategories:categoryTableArray];
    NSLog(@"After deletion:\n%@", categoryTableArray);

- (void)deletIDs:(NSArray *)deleteList fromCategories:(NSMutableDictionary *)categories
    // Convert the array of dictionaries into just an array of IDs.
    NSArray *ids = [deleteList valueForKeyPath:@"id"];
    for (NSString *key in [categories allKeys])
        categories[key] = [categories[key] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT id IN %@", ids]];

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