ios - xcode 应用程序错误 : Couldn't register with the bootstrap server

标签 ios iphone objective-c xcode


我的应用程序崩溃并在 iPhone 4 上显示以下错误,但在 iPhone 5 上可以正常工作

Couldn't register us.xxxxxx.myproject with the bootstrap server. 
Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already 
running or is hung in the debugger.(lldb) 



  1. 删除应用,

  2. 重启 Xcode,

  3. 清理并构建应用,

  4. 什么都没做。


关于ios - xcode 应用程序错误 : Couldn't register with the bootstrap server,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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