ios - iOS 应用程序的 xcode 中的 Uncrustify 错误

标签 ios iphone xcode5 code-formatting uncrustify

我已经通过 brew 安装了 uncrustify(按照 git 说明),并且我已经将运行脚本构建阶段添加到 xcode 并尝试构建一个 ios 项目,但是构建失败并出现以下错误:

**/bin/sh: /Users/test/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testProj- amlbymrfycxuzmemclwtovltjxzl/Build/Intermediates/ sh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory**


我的 sh 脚本:

if [ -n "$1" ]

    # recover directory to format :
    pathToSourcesDirectory=`echo $(pwd)/$1`

    # go to current folder :
    scriptDirectory=$(dirname $0)
    cd $scriptDirectory

    # find sources files to format :
    echo ""
    echo "==> Getting files to format in directory " + $pathToSourcesDirectory
    mkdir -p temp
    find $pathToSourcesDirectory -name "*.[mh]" > temp/sources_to_uncrustify.txt

    # format files :
    echo ""
    echo "==> Format files" 
    /usr/local/bin/uncrustify -F temp/sources_to_uncrustify.txt -c "../uncrustify_objective_c.cfg" --no-backup 

    # remove temp files : 
    rm -rf temp/

    echo "Error : You must specify a source folder as first parameter"  



看起来您没有在 Xcode Run Script 配置中将 Shell 设置为 /bin/sh:

enter image description here

(截取自 here )。

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