ios - 怎么打重法?

标签 ios objective-c


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已关闭 9 年前

我有一个游戏,当游戏结束时,游戏结束图像 (gameoverscreen.png) 可见(以前是隐藏的),并且会出现一个可以再次玩的按钮。我尝试做的是为其创建一个 IBAction,然后在该操作中重新加载 viewDidLoad。



     [self viewDidLoad]; //to reload the screen
     gameoverscreen.hidden = YES; 
     replayButton.hidden = YES; 


我以为这会重新加载屏幕,但它只出现半秒钟,然后游戏结束屏幕再次可见。我认为这与我的 NSTimer 有关,但是当 gameoverscreen.hidden = NO; 时计时器无效所以不是那样.. 为什么它不能正确地重新加载屏幕并允许用户再次播放的任何原因?



     NSTimer *t = [some timer code to start the loop and process events]
     //init some other state stuff, arrays of rects etc.


     [self viewDidLoad]; //to reload the screen
     gameoverscreen.hidden = YES; 
     replayButton.hidden = YES; 



     [self restartGame];

- (void)setUpInitalGameState
     //init some other state stuff, arrays of rects etc.
- (void)start
     NSTimer *t = [some timer code to start the loop and process events]



     [self setUpInitialGameState];
     [self start];

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