ios - Cocos2d (IOS) - 如何不断获取用户触摸的位置?

标签 ios cocos2d-iphone location touch

如何不断获取用户触摸的位置?我正在开发一款游戏的 Controller ,就目前情况而言,我必须抬起手指并单独将手指放在新 Controller 上才能使其工作。似乎 touchLocation 变量仅在每次点击时更新,我希望它不断更新,这样即使我在周围滑动手指,它也会知道位置并相应地更新它。这是相关代码。谢谢你!


    if([playerDirection isEqual:@"left"]){

        _player.position = ccp(_player.position.x - 2, _player.position.y);


    if([playerDirection isEqual:@"right"]){

    _player.position = ccp(_player.position.x + 2, _player.position.y);


    if([direction isEqual:@"up"]){

        _enemy.position = ccp(_enemy.position.x, _enemy.position.y + 2);


    if([direction isEqual:@"down"]){

    _enemy.position = ccp(_enemy.position.x, _enemy.position.y - 2);


    if(_enemy.position.y >= self.contentSize.height){

    direction = @"down";


    if(_enemy.position.y <= 2){

    direction = @"up";



        _player.position = ccp(_player.position.x + 2, _player.position.y);



// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark - Touch Handler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-(void) touchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
    touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:touchLocation];

    if(touchLocation.x > 400){

        playerDirection = @"right";


    if(touchLocation.x < 200){

    playerDirection = @"left";


    CGPoint touchLoc = [touch locationInNode:self];

    //isTouching = true;

    // Log touch location
    CCLOG(@"Move sprite to @ %@",NSStringFromCGPoint(touchLoc));

    // Move our sprite to touch location
    //CCActionMoveTo *actionMove = [CCActionMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0f position:touchLoc];
 //[_sprite runAction:actionMove];


- (void)touchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    playerDirection = @"none";


我看到您有一个 touchesBegan 和 touchesEnded...但是您缺少 touchesMoved。

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
  for(UITouch *touch in touches) {
    //do whatever you want


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