ios - 如何在 Textview 中点击时更改文本的颜色

标签 ios objective-c colors uitextview nsrange

我需要在 UITextView 中点击更改文本颜色。我在 TextView 的选定文本上得到了 NSRange,但无法使用此代码更改其颜色。

[mutableAttributedString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[UIColor colorWithRed:10.0/255.0 green:15.0/255.0 blue:5.0/255.0 alpha:1.0] range:range1];

有什么方法可以改变 TextView 中的点击颜色变化吗?


我希望,这段代码可以帮到你 :) 在我的场景中,我通过点击 uiButton 更改选定的 textColor,您可以尝试这种方式。

// When text is tapped or selected by user we can change the

- (IBAction)applyBlueColor:(id)sender {

    // getting textRange
    NSRange textRange = [_textView selectedRange];

    NSDictionary *attributeDictionary = [_textView.textStorage attributesAtIndex:textRange.location

    if ([attributeDictionary objectForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName] == nil ||
        [attributeDictionary objectForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName] != [UIColor blackColor]) {
        // Setting blue color to my selected text.
        NSDictionary *colorDictionary = @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blueColor]};
        [_textView.textStorage beginEditing];
        [_textView.textStorage setAttributes:colorDictionary range:textRange];
        [_textView.textStorage endEditing];


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