ios - 删除委托(delegate)方法的 2 个实现中的重复代码

标签 ios objective-c uitableview delegates uiscrollviewdelegate

我有一个 ViewController 类和一个 View 类。 ViewController 有一个 UIScrollView,View 有一个 UITableView,两者都是 UIScrollViewDelegate 的委托(delegate)。

View 和 ViewController 都使用了 scrollViewDidScroll: 委托(delegate)方法,并且都具有相同的代码。这显然是重复的,所以我想解决这个问题。


我无法将功能提取到基类中,我也不认为我可以有一个单独的类来实现该方法,然后我可以使用它的实例(在 Android 中可以,但在 iOS 中不行)。我正在考虑使用 block ,但不知道它们在这里如何工作。

该方法本身对 ViewController/View 的 UI 执行一些更改;这是它的主体:

- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {

    float multiplierYAnimationStop = [Utilities getFloatValueFromPlistFile:@"layout_values" forDictionaryKey:@"scroll_background_y_stop_multiplier"];
    float currentScrollOffsetY = scrollView.contentOffset.y;

    // No case for further back than the bottom of the screen (lower than 0)
    // and if it's higher than where it should stop, keep it at that point
    if (currentScrollOffsetY > screenHeight * multiplierYAnimationStop) {

        currentScrollOffsetY = screenHeight * multiplierYAnimationStop;

    // Scale the background
    float newBackgroundScale = 1 - currentScrollOffsetY / screenHeight;

    if (newBackgroundScale < 0.75f) {

        newBackgroundScale = 0.75f;

    [self scaleBackgroundToNewScale:newBackgroundScale];

    // Move the UILabel with the title and the Button
    float newLabelCenterY = originalLabelTitleCentreY - currentScrollOffsetY;
    float newButtonCenterY = originalButtonDownArrowCentreY - currentScrollOffsetY; = CGPointMake(, newLabelCenterY); = CGPointMake(, newButtonCenterY);

    // Blur the UILabel with the title and the Button
    float newHeadlineAlpha = 1 - currentScrollOffsetY / 100.0f;

    if (newHeadlineAlpha < 0.0f) {

        newHeadlineAlpha = 0.0f;

    [self.labelHeadline setAlpha:newHeadlineAlpha];
    [self.buttonDownArrow setAlpha:newHeadlineAlpha];

    if (newHeadlineAlpha < 0.95f) {

        [self.buttonDownArrow setEnabled:NO];
    else {

        [self.buttonDownArrow setEnabled:YES];

    // Set the new alpha for the background overlay
    // (no bigger than scroll_overlay_max_opacity, should be scroll_overlay_max_opacity once the offset hits the stop point)
    float maxOpacity = [Utilities getFloatValueFromPlistFile:@"layout_values" forDictionaryKey:@"scroll_overlay_max_opacity"];
    float subtractionFactor = 1.0f - maxOpacity;

    float newOverlayAlpha = currentScrollOffsetY / screenHeight / multiplierYAnimationStop - subtractionFactor;

    if (newOverlayAlpha > maxOpacity) {

        newOverlayAlpha = maxOpacity;

    [self.viewOverlay setAlpha:newOverlayAlpha];

    // If set, move the background vertically on scroll
    if ([Utilities getBoolValueFromPlistFile:@"layout_values" forDictionaryKey:@"is_scroll_background_movable"]) {

        if (newBackgroundScale == 0.75f) {

   = CGPointMake(, - (currentScrollOffsetY - 0.25f * screenHeight));


创建一个封装您想要的内容的函数,并将任何需要的变量(可能包括 self)传递给它。


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