ios - 使用多个分段控件管理 UITableView

标签 ios xcode uitableview swift uisegmentedcontrol

我试图做到这一点,如果任何分段控件发生变化,顶部的应用按钮就会启用。我还需要能够访问每个人的值(value)。我正在使用 swift 。这是它的样子:

iOS Simulator Screenshot



I assume you must have subclass of your UITableViewCell. If you don't have make subclass of UITableViewCell

In subclass
1. Create as weak property of UISegementControl
2. Create protocol
protocol TableViewCellDelegate
 func segmentSelected(sender:UISegmentControl)
3. create delegate as weak refrence for protocol

In Interface Builder
1. link your UISegementControl to your UITableViewController
2. link your delegate to your UITableViewController

In UITableViewController

func segmentSelected(sender:UISegmentControl)
  // here you get value changed segment

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