swift - 你如何获得 couchbase 数据库的大小

标签 swift database size couchbase

我觉得这个问题很简单,但我很惊讶没有找到任何文档或信息。我只想获取或计算单个 couchbase 数据库的大小(以字节为单位)。


理想情况下,使用 Swift 3.0。但是,如果有人知道如何以任何语言获取数据库大小,我可以将语言移植到 swift。

   func openDatabase() -> CBLDatabase
        var db : CBLDatabase?
        let db_name = "dealership"
        let options = CBLDatabaseOptions()
        options.create = true

            // This will create a database if one does not exist. Otherwise, it will open it.
            try db = CBLManager.sharedInstance().openDatabaseNamed(db_name, with: options)

            // I would love if this was a thing! Since it is not, I would like to write a function to get the database size.
            let db_size = db.getSize() // <-- This is my question. How to compute the database size.
        catch let error as NSError
            NSLog("Some error %@", error)

       return db

   /** Gets the size of the database in MB */
   func getSize() -> Int 
       // What goes here?



我希望 couchbase 提供更高级别的函数来获取数据库大小。但是,那不存在,您必须执行 file io.修改来自 How To Get Directory Size With Swift On OS X 的解决方案,我创建了下面的函数(Swift 3.0)。

func getDatabaseSize(_ db_name : String) -> UInt64
    // Build the couchbase database url
    let url_str = CBLManager.sharedInstance().directory + "/" + db_name + ".cblite2"
    let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: url_str) as URL

    var size = 0
    var is_dir: ObjCBool = false

    // Verify that the file exist and is a directory
    if (FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path, isDirectory: &is_dir) && is_dir.boolValue)
        FileManager.default.enumerator(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.fileSizeKey], options: [])?.forEach
            size += (try? ($0 as? URL)?.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileSizeKey]))??.fileSize ?? 0

    return UInt64(size)

关于swift - 你如何获得 couchbase 数据库的大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41787621/


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