ios - 返回 Storyboard当前 View Controller 标识符

标签 ios swift cocoa-touch uiview uiviewcontroller

如何找到实例化的当前 View Controller 的标识符?


self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ThisViewController") as! UIPageViewController

然后使用类似self.storyboard?.currentViewControllerIdentifier 的东西来返回ThisViewController?


来自 UIStoryboard 的文档:

This identifier is not a property of the view controller object itself and is used only by the storyboard file to locate the view controller.

所以简短的回答是你不能。更长的答案是您可以子类化 UIViewController 并为标识符添加一个属性,并在每次从 Storyboard加载时分配该属性。

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