ios - 将 NS_OPTIONS 存储在 swift 字典中

标签 ios objective-c swift

我在 objc 中定义了以下枚举:

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, RKRequestMethod) {
    RKRequestMethodGET          = 1 << 0,
    RKRequestMethodPOST         = 1 << 1,
    // ...

因此,在 objc 中,我可以通过使用 @( ) 将整数值装箱来做到这一点:

NSDictionary *dict = @{ @"s": @(RKRequestMethodGET) }

现在在 swift 中,我想将这样的枚举存储在字典中:

var v = [String: AnyObject]()
v = ["s": RKRequestMethod.POST
v = ["s": NSNumber(char: RKRequestMethod.POST)]
v = ["s": NSNumber(unsignedChar: RKRequestMethod.POST)]
v = ["s": NSNumber(short: RKRequestMethod.POST)]
v = ["s": NSNumber(unsignedShort: RKRequestMethod.POST)]
// There are approx 10 more of these and I tried them all



v = ["s": RKRequestMethod.Any.rawValue]

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