ios - Swift 2 - NSJONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData with guard statement "Cannot convert value of type Element..."

标签 ios swift swift2

我已经启动了一个 Swift 2 项目,我正试图将我的头脑集中在 doguardthrows 上。 Stack 上还有其他几个与此相关的问题,但我遇到的问题略有不同。


enum JSONParsingError: String, ErrorType {
    case URLCreationFailed = "Error: URL creation failed"
    case SerializationFailed = "Error: JSON Parsing failed"
    case DataDownloadingFailed = "Error: downloading data failed"
    case DictionaryError = "Error: dictionary creation from JSON failed."

 func fetchUserRepositories(urlString: String) throws {
        do {
            guard let reposURL = NSURL(string: urlString) else { throw JSONParsingError.URLCreationFailed }

        guard let jsonData = NSData(contentsOfURL: reposURL) else { throw JSONParsingError.DataDownloadingFailed }

        guard let jsonDictionary: NSDictionary = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: .MutableContainers) as? NSDictionary else { throw JSONParsingError.SerializationFailed }

        guard let reposArray = jsonDictionary["repos"] as? NSDictionary else { throw JSONParsingError.DictionaryError }

        for repo in reposArray {
            repositories.append(TestRepo(json: repo))

无论我如何转换 jsonDictionary["repos"],我的 for 循环中总是出现相同的错误:

无法将类型“Element”(又名“(key: AnyObject, value: AnyObject)”)的值转换为预期的参数类型“NSDictionary”(TestRepo 只是一个使用初始化的简单类一本字典。这不是最理想的方式,我知道)。



reposArray是一个字典,它是(key, value)对的集合。在您的代码中:

for repo in reposArray {
        repositories.append(TestRepo(json: repo))

repo 依次绑定(bind)到每个元素。因此,如果 TestRepo 需要一个字典作为参数,它会收到一个元素(一对 (key, value)),这就是错误的原因。

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