ios - 快速访问单例对象

标签 ios swift oop singleton

这是我第一次在 swift 中实现单例来共享对象的实例。一切似乎都工作得很好,除了当我尝试将元素添加到位于我的单例对象中的数组(从另一个类访问)中时除外。它确实根本不向数组添加任何对象。我认为它附加到一个数组上,但不是我希望的类的同一个实例(因为我只想要一个且只有一个实例)。但是,如果我从类的 init() 将元素附加到数组中,一切都会正常进行。这是一些代码(我简化了所有类以使事情更加明显):


class Brew: NSObject {
  var method = Method()

  //Singleton variable
  private static var currentBrew: Brew?

  //Method to get the current (and only) brew object
  static func getCurrentBrew() -> Brew {
    if currentBrew == nil {
        currentBrew = Brew()
    return currentBrew!


struct Method {
  var chemex = Device()

init() {
  //If I append here - everything works fine
  //chemex.instructions.append = (Instruction(title: "Prepare", direction: "Prewet & Heat", time: 3, water: 0))


struct Device {
  var instructions = [Instruction]() 

init() {
    instructions.append(Instruction(title: "None", direction: "None", time: 1, water: 0, index: 0)) 

文件 2:(我想附加到指令数组中)

let brew = Brew.getCurrentBrew() //How i'm accessing the object

//I'm calling this method from viewDidLoad to set up the array
func setupBrewDevices() {
  //This is the line that does not actually append to the singleton instance
  brew.method.chemex.instructions.append(Instruction(title: "Extraction", direction: "Match water.", time: 8 , water: 25))

顺便说一句,我还尝试创建一种方法,将指令附加到位于同一类内部的数组上,但结果相同。希望这足够清楚 - 我感谢任何帮助!

谢谢, 科尔


在 Swift 中创建单例实例有更好的方法。

class Brew: NSObject {
    static let currentBrew = Brew()

    var method = Method()



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