ios - 使用 iOS 获取 Facebook 好友

标签 ios facebook parse-platform

下面是我为登录用户获取 facebook 好友的代码。

FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:@"/me/friends" parameters:@{@"fields": @"email, name, first_name, last_name, user_friends, id"}];
    [request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error)
         if (!error)
             NSArray *friendObjects = [result objectForKey:@"data"];
             NSMutableArray *friendIds = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:friendObjects.count];
             // Create a list of friends' Facebook IDs
             for (NSDictionary *friendObject in friendObjects) {
                 [friendIds addObject:[friendObject objectForKey:@"id"]];

             // Construct a PFUser query that will find friends whose facebook ids
             // are contained in the current user's friend list.
             PFQuery *friendQuery = [PFUser query];
             [friendQuery whereKey:@"fbId" containedIn:friendIds];
             [friendQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
                 if (error) {

                 } else {
                     self.friendUsers = objects; // self.friendUsers in array
                     [self.tableView reloadData];





user_friends Facebook 权限仅返回已批准应用程序 user_friends 权限的用户的好友。

In order for a person to show up in one person's friend list, both people must have decided to share their list of friends with your app and not disabled that permission during login. Also both friends must have been asked for user_friends during the login process. 1

因此,除非您的一些 Facebook 好友已经批准了对同一应用的权限,否则您将得到一个空的好友列表。

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