ios - 加大节点的攻丝面积。 ios swift

标签 ios swift sprite-kit uikit skphysicsbody


我在这里创建 Sprite ,并一直保持数到五。

func updateFlyCount() {
    if  nodeCount < 5 {

func addFly() {

    // Create sprite
    let fly = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "fly") = "fly"

    // Add the fly to the scene

    // Determine speed of the fly
    let actualDuration = random(min: CGFloat(1.5), max: CGFloat(5.0))

    var pointWhereToStart: CGPoint = CGPointMake(0, screenSize.height)

    let randomSide = round(random(min: 1, max: 3))
    print("randomside made\(randomSide)")
    if randomSide == 1 {
        let randomStartingPoint = random(min: screenSize.height * 0.5, max:  screenSize.height)
        pointWhereToStart = CGPointMake (0, randomStartingPoint)
    } else if randomSide == 2 {
        let randomStartingPoint = random(min: 0, max:  screenSize.width)
        pointWhereToStart = CGPointMake (randomStartingPoint, screenSize.height)
    } else if randomSide == 3 {
        let randomStartingPoint = random(min: screenSize.height * 0.5, max:  screenSize.height)
        pointWhereToStart = CGPointMake (screenSize.width, randomStartingPoint)

    let randomPoint1x = random(min: 0, max: screenSize.width)
    let randomPoint2y = random(min: 0, max: screenSize.height)
    let randomPoint3x = random(min: 0, max: screenSize.width)
    let randomPoint4y = random(min: 0, max: screenSize.height)

    let cgpath: CGMutablePathRef = CGPathCreateMutable()
    let startingPoint: CGPoint = pointWhereToStart
    let controlPoint1: CGPoint = CGPointMake(randomPoint1x, randomPoint2y)
    let controlPoint2: CGPoint = CGPointMake(randomPoint3x, randomPoint4y)
    let endingPoint: CGPoint = CGPointMake(screenSize.width * 0.5, screenSize.height * 0.5)
    CGPathMoveToPoint(cgpath, nil, startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y)
    CGPathAddCurveToPoint(cgpath, nil, controlPoint1.x, controlPoint1.y, controlPoint2.x, controlPoint2.y, endingPoint.x, endingPoint.y)
    let enemyCurve: SKAction = SKAction.followPath(cgpath, asOffset: false, orientToPath: false, duration: NSTimeInterval(actualDuration))
    fly.runAction(SKAction.sequence([SKAction.waitForDuration(0.5), enemyCurve]))



 override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    for touch: AnyObject in touches {
        let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)
        let touchedNode = self.nodeAtPoint(touchLocation)

        if ( == "fly") {


创建一个具有您想要的大小的 SKNode,然后将 SKSpriteNode 作为子节点添加到其中。

然后在你的touchesBegan中检查是否是SKNode而不是 Sprite 被击中。

您必须针对 SKNode 而不是苍蝇运行该操作。

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