ios - GCKDeviceManager 协议(protocol) - didDisconnectWithError : and didDisconnectFromApplicationWithError:? 之间有什么区别

标签 ios chromecast google-cast

<GCKDeviceManagerDelegate> Protocol我看到两种非常相似的方法:

 * Called when the connection to the device has been terminated. It is safe to release the
 * GCKDeviceManager object from within this callback.
 * @param deviceManager The device manager.
 * @param error The error that caused the disconnection; nil if there was no error (e.g. intentional
 * disconnection).
- (void)deviceManager:(GCKDeviceManager *)deviceManager
    didDisconnectWithError:(NSError *)error;

 * Called when disconnected from the current application.
 * @param deviceManager The device manager.
 * @param error The error that caused the disconnect, or <code>nil</code> if this was a normal
 * disconnect.
- (void)deviceManager:(GCKDeviceManager *)deviceManager
    didDisconnectFromApplicationWithError:(NSError *)error;

deviceManager:didDisconnectWithError:如果 Chromecast 接收器断开连接或失去与应用程序的连接,则调用 deviceManager:didDisconnectFromApplicationWithError:当应用程序尝试断开与 Chromecast 接收器的连接时调用?




关于ios - GCKDeviceManager 协议(protocol) - didDisconnectWithError : and didDisconnectFromApplicationWithError:? 之间有什么区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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