swift - 如何在 Swift 中从文件(而不是整个文件)中读取数据 block

标签 swift

假设我有一个仅包含 ASCII 字符的 8 字节长的文件:brownfox

我不想加载整个文件并处理 if,我不想加载 2 字节的 block [UInt8] 并对 2 字节大小的 block 进行操作,因此操作如下:

  1. 从文件加载br(不是整个文件)
  2. 对数据执行任何操作,例如反转为 rb
  3. 将输出保存到另一个文件
  4. 重复:ow nf ox

背后的原因: 这样,如果我处理一个 1GB 文本文件,我实际上不必有 1GB 可用 RAM(或 2GB 用于输入和输出文件)。



extension Data {
     Consumes the specified input stream, creating a new Data object
     with its content.
     - Parameter reading: The input stream to read data from.
     - Note: Closes the specified stream.
    init(reading input: InputStream) {

        let bufferSize = 1024
        let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: bufferSize)
        while input.hasBytesAvailable {
            let read = input.read(buffer, maxLength: bufferSize)
            self.append(buffer, count: read)


     Consumes the specified input stream for up to `byteCount` bytes,
     creating a new Data object with its content.
     - Parameter reading: The input stream to read data from.
     - Parameter byteCount: The maximum number of bytes to read from `reading`.
     - Note: Does _not_ close the specified stream.
    init(reading input: InputStream, for byteCount: Int) {

        let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: byteCount)
        let read = input.read(buffer, maxLength: byteCount)
        self.append(buffer, count: read)

但是 init(reading input: InputStream, for byteCount: Int) 总是从第一个字节开始。例如,我如何读取第 16 到第 20 个字节?


From the current read index, take up to the number of bytes specified in the second parameter from the stream and place them in the client-supplied buffer (first parameter). The buffer must be of the size specified by the second parameter. Return the actual number of bytes placed in the buffer; if there is nothing left in the stream, return 0. Reset the index into the stream for the next read operation.



使用文件句柄。您可以打开文件句柄进行读取。然后使用 seek(toFileOffset:) 设置您希望读取的位置。然后使用 readData(ofLength:) 获取一些 Data。完成后一定要关闭文件句柄。

关于swift - 如何在 Swift 中从文件(而不是整个文件)中读取数据 block ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55884381/


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