ios - UITableViewSource 从不创建单元格

标签 ios xamarin.ios mvvmcross

我正在使用 MvvmCross 编写 Xamarin.iOS 应用程序。我正在尝试制作一个表格,我可以看到绑定(bind)到源中的项目,但我从未看到任何单元格被创建。函数GetOrCreateCellFor永远不会被调用。这是我的代码:

public class ContactsManager
    ContactsView _contactsView;

    public ContactsManager()
        _contactsView = new ContactsView();
        Source = new FriendTableViewSource(_contactsView.FriendsTableView);
        _contactsView.FriendsTableView.Source = Source;

    public FriendTableViewSource Source { get; set; }

public class FriendTableViewSource : MvxTableViewSource
    private readonly List<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel> _content = new List<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel>();
    private readonly UITableView _tableView;

    public FriendTableViewSource(UITableView t) : base(t)
        _tableView = t;
        t.RegisterNibForCellReuse(UINib.FromName(FriendCell.Key, NSBundle.MainBundle), FriendCell.Key);

    private void Init(IEnumerable<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel> items)

    public override System.Collections.IEnumerable ItemsSource
            return base.ItemsSource;
            // I put a break point here to check if I'm getting the items, and it is, so the binding is fine...
            if (value != null)
            base.ItemsSource = value;


    public override nfloat GetHeightForRow(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
        return 60;

    protected override UITableViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
        // This function never gets called!
        return TableView.DequeueReusableCell(FriendCell.Key, indexPath);

public class FriendCell : MvxTableViewCell
    public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString("FriendCell");
    public static readonly UINib Nib;

    static FriendCell()
        Nib = UINib.FromName("FriendCell", NSBundle.MainBundle);

    protected FriendCell(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
        BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;


这就是源代码的工作版本应该是什么样的。同样有趣的是,如果表格未添加到您的 View 中,则不会调用 GetOrCreateCellFor

public class FriendTableViewSource : MvxTableViewSource
    private readonly List<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel> _content = new List<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel>();
    private MvxNotifyCollectionChangedEventSubscription _subscription;

    public FriendTableViewSource(UITableView t) : base(t)
        t.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(FriendCell), FriendCell.Key);

    private void Init(IEnumerable<SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel> items)

    public override System.Collections.IEnumerable ItemsSource
            return base.ItemsSource;
            if (value != null)

                var collectionChanged = value as System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged;
                if (collectionChanged != null)
                    _subscription = collectionChanged.WeakSubscribe(CollectionChangedOnCollectionChanged);
            base.ItemsSource = value;


    protected override void CollectionChangedOnCollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
        if (args.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
            foreach (var item in args.NewItems)
                var chatItem = item as SeeMyFriendsItemViewModel;

        base.CollectionChangedOnCollectionChanged(sender, args);

        InvokeOnMainThread(() => {

            TableView.SetContentOffset(new CGPoint(0, TableView.ContentSize.Height - TableView.Frame.Size.Height), true);

    public override nfloat GetHeightForRow(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
        return 60;

    public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableview, nint section)
        return _content.Count();

    public override nint NumberOfSections(UITableView tableView)
        return 1;

    protected override object GetItemAt(NSIndexPath indexPath)
        if (indexPath.Row < _content.Count)
            return _content[indexPath.Row];

        return null;

    protected override UITableViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
        return TableView.DequeueReusableCell(FriendCell.Key, indexPath);


覆盖 FriendTableViewSource 中的 RowsInSection

由于tableview需要行数和行高来决定其框架,因此如果height = 0或count = 0,则永远不会调用GetOrCreateCellFor

关于ios - UITableViewSource 从不创建单元格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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