ios - 是否有 ios 应用程序开发年龄分级官方定义页面?

标签 ios rating

是否有官方 apple 页面解释 ios 应用程序开发的年龄分级系统?

例如,特别是 4+、9+、17+ 等...

我在网上看到了一个页面的图像,您可以在其中选择单选按钮,但我在开发者网站上找不到它,也没有找到 4+ 9+ 等的官方定义。


您正在寻找 App Store 帮助 App Ratings :

Rating  Definition
4+      Apps in this category contain no objectionable material.

9+      Apps in this category may contain instances of the following content that may not be suitable for children under the age of 9:

        - Infrequent or mild cartoon or fantasy violence
        - Infrequent or mild profanity or crude humor
        - Infrequent or mild mature, suggestive, or horror or fear themed

12+     Apps in this category may contain instances of the following content that may not be suitable for children under the age of 12:

        - Infrequent or mild medical or treatment-focused content
        - Infrequent or mild references to alcohol, tobacco, or drug use
Simulated gambling
        - Infrequent or mild sexual content or nudity
        - Frequent or intense profanity or crude humor
        - Frequent or intense horror or fear themed content
        - Frequent or intense cartoon or fantasy violence
        - Infrequent or mild occurrences of realistic violence

17+     Apps in this category may contain instances of the following content that may not be suitable for children under the age of 17:

        - Unrestricted web access, such as with an embedded browser
Gambling or contests
        - Frequent or intense mature or suggestive content
        - Frequent or intense medical or treatment-focused content
        - Frequent or intense references to alcohol, tobacco, or drug use
        - Frequent or intense sexual content or nudity
        - Frequent or intense realistic violence

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